Monday, May 28, 2007

Weight training and the Human physiology.

Training For Strength
The muscle responds redily to external stimuli ie if the muscle is exposed to heavier weights every time it will respond to the stimulus by growing in size eg.
Train with heavier weights for each and every part of the body each week i.e. if you are training the biceps and the max weight you can curl is 20 pounds then, the next time you train biceps, you should curl at least 5 pounds more i.e. 25 pounds.
Use minimal help and make sure your spotter is not doing the entire work. Contraction :it is vital to contract the muscle to its maximum. Do not involve other muscles to assist the primary e.g. the shoulder muscle should not be used during bicep exercise. This will prevent the bicep from growing to its fullest.

It is a simple principle that the greater the number of fibers involved in contraction the faster the muscle will respond. Exercise routine :Change your exercise routine regularly after every 2 to 3 mths or as required. This is an attempt to prevent the muscles from getting acclimatized to one routine and with subsequent reduction in muscle growth.

Diet :Complicated and elaborate diet routines are not required. A diet rich in protein, carbohydrate, vitamins, anti oxidants and fiber eg 250 -300gm of protein/ day, 1500-2000 kcal of carbohydrates, 100kcal of fat [protein - 4 kcal/g (or 17KJ), Fat- 9 kcal ( or 37 KJ), and carbohydrate- 4 kcal/g (or 17KJ) ]

Carbohydrates & weight training :Carbohydrates (simple carbs) provide the muscle with energy; maintaining carb levels is vital for longevity of any workout.Sipping on small quantities of glucose after sets will help. Carbs equivalent to 4 tsp. of sugar in 200ml of water should be sufficient for a 60 kg male / female during a 45 min. workout. It is important that you use the carb only after a set and not before it!

Tropical countries & weight training :Increased humidity slows down the rate of evaporation, therefore in humid climate a person keeps on sweating but does not cool down as there is no evaporation. This turns into a vicious cycle making him loose dangerous quantity of fluid and electrolytes. Supplementation of water and electrolyte is vital for anyone training in tropical climate. Any sachet of oral rehydration therapy can be used during training (the ORT should contain Na, K, CL, carbonates).

Types of Injuries common in sports

Muscle strains and ligament sprain
Any injury or pain any where must not be neglected.
A sprain or muscle pull requires immediate application of ice. Ice should not be rubbed or massaged over the area, but gently placed on it. The ice causes constriction of the vessels and prevents harmful inflammatory products reaching the site. Apply anti-inflammatory ( piroxicam gel ) over and around the injured area. The gel should not be rubbed or massaged vigorously. Local treatment yields better result than systemic treatment e.g. anti inflammatory cream/ gel applied over the sprain will always yield better result than large doses of oral anti inflammatory tablets. A combination of systemic and local drugs will yield best results.

Muuscle tears
A muscle may tear a few mm or a few cm or it may avulse completely.Causes: sudden violent contraction at an angle which amplifies the strain on the muscle eg hyperextension of the elbow while the arm is already in extension. Purple discoloration over the skin along with swelling, abnormal painful moments, warmth & tenderness are the signs and symptoms of a muscle tear.Management of a muscle tear.Immediate protective steps to be taken if muscle tear is suspected:Immobilization of the injured partApplication of ice over the areaTopical anti inflammatory gelsAvoid use of counter irritantsOral anti inflammatory drugsUse analgesics sparingly.Immediate examination by a doctorA USG is vital in diagnosis of a muscle tear. It tells about the dimensions and location of the tear. It also tells abut the swelling within the tissue. Operative treatment should be kept as the last resort.

Muscle spasm
Most often the muscle spasm is a protective phenomenon where the muscle contracts suddenly and vigorously. As a result of this violent contraction the muscle remains in spasm. This is because the contraction causes severe constriction of the blood vessels supplying and draining the muscle; this prevents entry and exit of nutrients and waste products respectively. Very little blood supply causes the pain of ischemia. The vigorous spasm may cause a muscle tear .Management of a muscle spasmIn a muscle spasm following approach may be helpful; Local application of heat: This causes dilatation of the blood vessels resulting in revival of the blood supply to the muscles.Local and oral muscle relaxants; Low dose Bicarbonates to drive out the acidosis, Gentle pressure over the area,Oral electrolytes with small quantities of water,Rest and then follow with physiotherapy.

Some remedies!
Rest :
Sudden cessation of physical activity will always be a set back and should be employed as a last resort.
Active physiotherapy and exercise must be continued under supervision till complete recovery.

Massage :
Any attempt to vigorously massage or manipulate a sprained muscle will worsen the injury. Any massage or manipulation should always be attempted under supervision of sports physician and a chiropractor.

Vitamins and minerals :
Vitamin B complex and folic acid helps to supply the muscle with energy by improving the metabolism. Vitamin B complex also helps in better nerve conduction.
Vitamin C helps in regeneration of tissue and fibroses.
Vitamin D helps in bone growth and assists calcium metabolism. It prevents bone denudation.Vitamins are to be used with care. Fluid intake has to be high.
Vitamin E has antioxidant properties. It contributes to cell membrane stability. It may also affect cell growth and proliferation.
Vitamins are one of the main culprits for kidney stones. Vitamin C and B complex are water soluble where as vitamin E and D are fat soluble.

Immediate protective steps to be taken if muscle tear is suspected :

Immobilization of the injured part.

Application of ice over the area.

Topical anti inflammatory gels.

Avoid use of counter irritants.

Oral anti inflammatory drugs.

Use analgesics sparingly.

Immediate examination by a doctor.

A USG is vital in diagnosis of a muscle tear. It tells about the dimensions and location of the tear. It also tells abut the swelling within the tissue.

Operative treatment should be kept as the last resort.

ACTION-Alfacalcidol is a precursor of the active calcitriol. Alafcalcidol does not require renal hydroxylation but requires 25-hdroxylation in the liver for conversion to calcitriol. Actions are the same as Vitamin D group.
USE-Management of hypocalcemia in patients on chronic renal dialysis: 0.25 mcg/day at 4 to 8 week intervals. Hypoparathyroidism: Adults: ( 6 years) -0.5 to 2 mcg daily. Children: (1to 5 years ) -0.25 to 0.75 mcg daily.
ACTION Among the vitamin E substances, tocopherols and alpha pherols are therapeutically useful. Others including beta gammas, delta tocopherols are therapeutically not useful. Tocopherols play an important role as an intoxidants in the body. Vit E exerts it's role as a defence against oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation. D- alpha tocopherol is also indicated for protecting other lipids principally in cell membranes from oxidative stress and free radical damage.
ACTION-Methylcobalamin is the neurologically active form of vitamin B12. It is the cofactor in the enzyme methionine synthase, which functions to transfer methyl groups for the regeneration of methionine from homocysteine. The liver does not convert cynocobalamin, the commonly available form of vitamin B12 into adequate amounts of methylocobalamin, which the body uses to treat or correct neurological defects. Animal studies have shown that high doses of methylocobalamin are effective in neuron regeneration. The adverse drug interaction include anorexia, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Raraely hypersensitivity reactions like rash may occur.
ACTION-Belongs to the oxicam group of NSAIDs. It has a prolonged half-life and can be given in once a day dosage. Inhibits the enzyme cyclo-oxygenase in the pathway of prostaglandin synthesis. Exerts anti inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic actions.
ACTION-Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic and antigout actions. Potent inhibitor of cyclo-oxyenase, reducing prostaglandin synthesis. Relieves pain reduces temprature in febrile patients. Reduces pain and joint swelling in rheumatoid arthritis(RA) but does not modify progress. Also used topically in the eye to reduce local inflammation.
ACTION-Paracetamol has analgesic and antipyretic action with weak anti inflammatory activity. These effects are related to inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis. It is an nalgesic- antipyretic of choice especially in patients in whom salicylates or other NSAIDS are contraindicated. Such cases include asthmatics, peptic ulcer patients, children in whom salicylates are not used because of the risk Reye's syndrome.
ACTION Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-pyretic. Analgesic effect is independent of anti-inflammatory activity and has both central and peripheral effect. Temperature is reduced in febrile patients. Potent inhibitor of cylo-oxygenase and prostaglandin synthesis. Prevents formation of thromboxane A2 platelets. May delay onset of labour.
" Secreted by the Anterio pituitary"
Secretion stopped by Stomato Statin."
Secretion caused by growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH)"
Growth hormone leve are maximum from birth to puberty "
Its secretion are maximum during the time of puberty."
Growth hormone levels are less after 40 years of age."
Growth hormone causes increase in cell number and cell size in all types of cells. Eg; Bone, muscles, brain tissues etc."exess hgh causes swelling and edema in tissue
Growth hormone is responsible for controlling protein usage by the body."
Growth hormone is responsible for controlling fat usage by the body." It is responsible for production of essential fatty acids."
Growth hormone secretion is maximum at 12 noon and at 12 midnight. In between these times growth grwth hormone secretion is in a pulsatile manner."
Growth hormone is secreted during sleep, after exercise, hypoglycemia, exess amino acids in blood after injury/trauma."
Growth hormone is secreted in condition of extreme starvation." The two disorders related to growth hormone excess are 1) acromegaly2) Gigantism." Reduce levels of growth hormone are seen in conjenital disorders like noonan syndromes, Klienfilter's syndromes, Turnur's syndromes, praderwili syndromes

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An ardent sportsman and orthopaedic surgeon trying to bring sportsmedicine and biomechanics to indian sports persons. The only Orthopaedic surgeon in Mumbai to compete in pro power lifting and set powerlifting records for district and mayor cups! Turning patients not only towards a healthy recovery but also upgrading them into athletes. Dr. Mihir also trains individuals and patients for sports ranging from strength sports to endurance events like Marathon de Sables,Ironman,long distance running and cycling -Race across America.